As the frost starts settling in the threat of frozen pipes becomes more eminent. As temperatures start to drop the risk of damage from frozen becomes more and more of a worry for homeowners. And rightfully so. Every year homeowners shell out thousands of dollars to repair damage caused by frozen pipes. The best line of defense is preventing frozen pipes in the first place. Taking the proper precautions before winter sets in should be part of everyone’s home maintenance to-do list.
What Causes Frozen Pipes?
Water naturally starts to freeze at 32 degrees. This presents a problem for water that is inside of pipes, especially pipes that are exposed to the elements. When water freezes it expands which can rupture the pipe. When pipes are damaged from freezing water it not only causes damage to the pipes but also to the surrounding area. Frozen pipes can cause thousands of dollars in damage; it can cause structural damage, and damage porous surfaces like drywall, flooring, furniture, and other personal items. To prevent further damage, frozen pipes should be repaired right away.
Who Is Most At Risk For Frozen Pipes?
Many homes that are built in climates that are prone to freezing temperatures are already prepared for frozen pipes, however, homes that are in more moderate climates are more at risk if temperatures suddenly take an unexpected drop. Homes that are vacant like second homes, vacation homes, and investment properties are also more at risk.
How Can You Prevent Frozen Pipes?
Preventing frozen pipes is pretty simple. Proper insulation is the first step. Pipe insulation comes in different widths and sizes and can easily be installed to protect your pipes during winter, especially pipes that are exposed to the outside air. Also, pipes that are exposed to cold drafts like in attics or crawl spaces are still at risk, on top of insulation any cracks or holes that can allow for cold air to penetrate should be filled and fixed. Checking for drafts can not only help in preventing frozen pipes but also help lower heating costs during winter. In particularly cold weather and the heating cable may be used. Heating cables are designed to wrap around pipes to heat and regulate temperatures. Additionally when preventing frozen pipes always make sure the hose is disconnected and turn off the main water supply if the home is vacant.
Taking the right steps in home maintenance is the best way of preventing frozen pipes. Frozen pipes not only cause a really big mess but also unnecessary stress. Need help winterizing your home? Contact John Owen Services today!
Our philosophy is simple, we always want to maintain equipment to give it the longest life possible. Next, we want to focus on repairing when something goes wrong. Then only as the last choice, we replace equipment when needed. That’s the John Owens Way.