Modern day plumbing has done a lot for society. It has not only improved our quality of life, but has also had a major role in reducinginfectious diseases. Clean running water and the ability to safely remove and sanitize waste water has been instrumental in preventing the spread of diseases like: cholera, plague, and typhoid fever to name a few. These diseases ran rampant during the centuries leading up to the industrial revolution and rise of modern day plumbing. With all of the good that has come out of advances in modern plumbing, there is still plenty of room for improvement. Water pollution, for example is something that can occur from waste water ending up in oceans, lakes, and streams. Once waste goes down the drain, many never thing about where it is going. The truth is, is that a lot of what we pour down the drain can eventually end up in our water sources. So how can you prevent water pollution? Here are some good practices and simple changes you can make that can help prevent water pollution.
Grease is one of the worst things you can pour down the drain. Not only can it cause clogs within your own plumbing system, but it can also cause nasty clogs in city sewer systems as well. In addition, grease or oil can be harmful to the wildlife that lives in or near oceans, lakes, and streams. Grease and oil from cooking should be disposed of in the trash. Pour grease or oil into a jar and let it solidify, then throw it in the trash can.
Many household cleaners contain harsh chemicals that when poured down the drain can cause damage to your plumbing system, and cause water pollution. Household cleaners and harmful chemicals should be properly disposed of to prevent water pollution. Your local environmental services or trash company will be able to tell you to the location of the hazardous waste disposal in your area.
There has been another type of water pollution making headlines in recent years, and that is contamination from pharmaceutical drugs. When flushed or poured down the drain these drugs can enter oceans, lakes, rivers, and groundwater. This contamination can have a serious impact on fish and other wildlife. To reduce the risk of water pollution always dispose of old medications appropriately. Many cities have programs in place to properly dispose of old medications.
When it comes to your drains, trash is the last thing you want to put down or flush down the drain Not only can trash cause a clog, but it can also find its way to our oceans, lakes, and streams. Always put: paper, glass, plastic, diapers, wipes, and feminine hygiene products in the trash can. The same holds true for your garbage disposal, just because it is in the name does not mean it’s a garbage can. You should avoid putting large portions of food waste down the garbage disposal as well.
When it rains, water is often directed towards storm drains. As water runs down roofs and sidewalks it often picks up all kinds of debris and
hazardous materials. This contaminated water then enters the storm drain and often flushes out to the nearest large body of water. To reduce water pollution try directing water towards areas that have gravel, sand, or wood. Porous surfaces like these can help filter water before it enters the storm drain.
Remember everything that goes down the drain can eventually end up in our oceans, lakes, streams, and groundwater. By practicing good habits we can dramatically reduce the risk of water pollution. For more plumbing tips contact John Owens Services today!
Our philosophy is simple, we always want to maintain equipment to give it the longest life possible. Next, we want to focus on repairing when something goes wrong. Then only as the last choice, we replace equipment when needed. That’s the John Owens Way.